Capture your team's Product conversations, wherever they are

Reduce the time spent on post meeting follow-ups by 90%

Supercharge post meeting workflows

Meetings are where teams learn, ideas develop and decisions are made.  It’s the aftermath of these meetings that truly tests the mettle of Product Teams: the relentless cycle of context switching, the struggle to keep abreast with ever-evolving information, and engaging with stakeholders to capture conversations at the right level of fidelity.

Integrate into the fabric of your operations and unlock an intelligent platform that turns each and every product conversation into action.  Built to refine the critical post-meeting workflows that define the pace of product development, surfaces what matters most, empowering product teams to concentrate on strategic thinking, influencing stakeholders, and engaging directly with users.

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Amplify time with users

Imagine being able to 10x your user interactions. Transform each and every product demo, sales call, customer success interaction and support call into insights that inform what you build next.
Sales teams concentrate on closing deals, Customer Success on upselling and retention and Support on resolving issues, often without the lens of a product manager. steps in to extract and structure these crucial insights from every interaction, making them accessible and actionable for the product team.

This integration ensures that insights from all corners of the organisation directly inform product strategy, meaning better decision making and a stronger roadmap.

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User insights into strategy changes how Product teams approach user discovery - transforming qualitative data into actionable quantitative insights.  With advanced analysis capabilities, will meticulously unpack themes and insights from discovery sessions, creating a deeper understanding of customer needs and pain points, turning the rich, qualitative information from user interactions into quantifiable data, allowing teams to objectively measure and track user feedback and trends over time.

In quantifying the qualitative, ensures teams move beyond anecdotal evidence and subjective interpretations.

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A single source of truth solves the common challenge of fragmented knowledge in the digital workspace,  creating a single source of truth across multiple platforms, including Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, Slack, Notion and JIRA.  By consolidating these disparate sources of information, ensures that all team members have a unified and clear understanding of discussions, decisions and action items.  This centralisation of knowledge not only simplifies access to crucial data but also enhances team collaboration and decision-making, streamlining your workflow for greater productivity and success.

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Collective knowledge across teams is redefining how to engage and drive outcomes from meetings, reducing information silos and surfacing what’s important to you and your team real-time, during conversations. builds a model of knowledge across your team, the wider organisation, customers and partners, connecting related concepts across conversations; drawing connections between seemingly disparate pieces of information, harnessing the massive reservoir of data and insights that sit largely inaccessible and untapped in conversations

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Smarter workflow with dynamic documents introduces a new paradigm for post meetings actions - Smart Documents and Smart Follow Ups.

Smart Documents are dynamic, self-updating artefacts that evolve with your project. These documents, originating in the Agile/Scrum framework, capture the essence of your team's discussions, decisions and requirements from different ceremonies.

When requirements change, automatically update User Stories, Product Requirement Documents and Jobs to be Done.

Smart Follow Ups allow you to take action quickly to follow up with your team.  Whether that’s an update to Slack after a stand up, a follow up to a customer after a discovery call, takes care of it.

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A new lens for every conversation

Ensure every meeting, chat, or impromptu discussion is not just recorded, but turned into a centralised knowledge hub accessible by all.  Revisiting any conversation becomes as simple as a click, providing fresh insights every time.

Ask anything — navigates your discussions to bring you the answers you need, crucial for understanding the past, tracking sentiment, or linking ideas across different interactions.  What truly distinguishes is the ability to approach old conversations with new context, providing you with the unique opportunity to view them through different lenses and gather new learnings.

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Transform your product conversations with a single click

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